New Delhi: NDTV has learnt that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is probing the 2G spectrum scam, will now be looking at possible links between the Anil Dhirubai Ambani Group (ADAG) and Swan Telecom which is alleged to have benefitted in the scam.
According to a report by the government's auditor, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), Swan was a front for the Anil Ambani Group.
But weeks before his arrest, Swan Telecom promoter Shahid Balwa had written to the CBI saying the company had business links with Reliance Telecom but it was an independent company.
In his later dated December 22 Balwa wrote, "As per a January 2007 agreement, Swan had agreed to use Reliance Telecom equipment and infrastructure. And as per a discussion, Reliance Telecom could continue as a minority stake holder. Swan Telecom was floated using a special purpose vehicle called Tiger Trustees Limited and Reliance Telecom had 9.90 per cent shares in this company."Anil Ambani-led ADAG too issued a clarification, "As part of its ongoing investigations pursuant to the Honourable Supreme Court's orders, the CBI is reportedly examining a large number of telecom companies and their officials over the past several weeks, in relation to various matters relating to the years 2001 to 2008. As party of this process, CBI has also examined a few officials of Reliance ADA Group, and we are fully co-operating with the authorities in this regard."
The one man Justice Patil committee, constituted to investigate the irregularities into the 2G spectrum allocation, has spelt out in its report that Swan had benefitted during A Raja's tenure as telecom minister.
CBI is investigating into 2G spectrum allocation during 2001-09. CAG had estimated a revenue loss of up to Rs. 1.76 lakh crore due to alleged irregularities in the sale of spectrum in 2008 by the telecom ministry under former minister A Raja.
Besides issuing 122 new licences, Raja had also allowed dual technology licences under which ADA Group company Reliance Communications was allocated start-up GSM spectrum at the rate of Rs. 1,658 crore for pan-India licence.
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